Most online learning platforms focus on video courses as the singular vehicle for learning. Unicorn believes that instructors should be able to tailor the learning process for individual students based on their specific goals. Radium achieves this by offering a combination of video courses, evergreen content that admins can organize into routines, and online coaching sessions, allowing instructors to create a personalized learning regimen for their students.
Personalized Content
Radium is the next evolution in content management. After surveying the market, we found that both current online learning and media platforms need to do more to meet business needs. Unicorn developed Radium as a platform to empower organizations to bring rich media content online in meaningful and impactful ways.
– Organize content into video libraries and routines.
– Create routines and customize them for students based on goals.
– Assign routines on a schedule and track student progress.
– Create surveys to assess student goals, skills, styles, and comprehension.
– Publish insights, video blogs, and motivational content in a feed.
– Reach students directly with one-on-one video instruction.
– Plug-ins to extend functionality and integrate with third party services.
Native Messaging
Students often come to online learning platforms seeking access and engagement with a specific instructor. In many cases, they encounter video content recorded months or years earlier without direct interaction with anyone besides other students. Radium encourages instructors to interact one-on-one with their students through online video messaging and live coaching while continuing to provide tools to leverage their time.
– Messaging via text or video.
– Students can post questions and comments.
– Messages scoped in public or taken to a private conversation.
– Responses can be published in a collections or FAQs
– Students can schedule live one-on-one video coaching sessions.
– Coaches can be assigned to students for personalized support.
Best Practices
Many instructors want an online component to their teaching. Still, they are overwhelmed by the idea of organizing their content into an online offering. While various platforms make creating online courses easy, instructors must still get started. One of the goals of the Radium platform is to leverage our years of experience in online learning to give instructors a leg up in building and sustaining a successful online education program.
– Advanced data modeling
– Clearly defined paths
– Limiting and personalizing content
– Steady content release streams
– Focusing on retention
– Live Streaming and integrations
Unicorn also works directly with our partners to integrate proprietary e-learning technologies and customize the user experience for their audience’s specific needs.
Multiple Integrations
In too many instances, online education platforms focus on producing one-off courses that instructors can sell to leverage their time. This model encourages instructors to invest in up-front production and focus on sales and marketing while ignoring critical success metrics like completion rates and engagement.
Without sacrificing one-time payments, Radium promotes multi-tiered memberships that change the success metric from sales to retention. By giving instructors the tools to create instructional content in various formats and backing this up with deep metrics on usage and engagement, Radium empowers instructors to focus on student success instead of worrying about generating new sales every month.
– Multi-tiered subscription models
– Membership levels and role-based management
– Payment and subscription gating
– Multiple payment systems and integrations
– Deep analytics including behavior and interaction metrics